2013年10月15日 星期二

My trip to Hualien by Leo

My trip to Hualien
     In this summer vacation, my mother and father planned to take a three-day trip to Hualien. On the day before the trip, my brother and I prepared the clothes and some snacks, and then we went to sleep. We were very excited.
     We got up at five o’clock in the early morning. There were almost no cars on the highway. We arrived at 7-11 in Yilan and finished our breakfast. Then we headed to a famous restaurant in Hualien. The mountain road to Hualien was full of twists and turns. Finally, we got there and had some tasty Chinese ravioli for lunch. After lunch, we went to the hotel for the check-in. In the afternoon, Dad took my brother and I to ride bikes around the hotel. We enjoyed taking a hot spring bath in the hotel at night.
     The next day, we got up at six o’clock. We checked out of the hotel and headed to Mt. Liushihtan. The mountain was covered with lots of golden daylilies. We were all surprised by the beautiful scenery. We took some photos, and then we went to Chike Mountain for lunch and more scenery. We ate daylily soup, fried daylily, and daylily salad for lunch. After the delicious lunch, we left for the hotel. We were going to stay there that night. A few hours later, we went to the nightmarket to buy dinner. We bought some fruit juice, porridge, stinky tofu, seafood coffin bread, and oyster vermicelli. When we finished the dinner, we all went to sleep with satisfaction.

     We got up a bit later the next morning, but it didn’t matter. We finished our sandwiches and went to Farglory Ocean Park. We reached there, and the first thing to do was to get in the cable car. Next, we rode on a roller coaster, except my brother. He didn’t dare to ride on it. When the car started to climb on the track, we were all excited. The most surprising thing was, when the car got to the top, the panel under it began to rotate. It was going to move backward! It went down so fast that Mom screamed so hard. After playing all day long, we went home. What a great trip it was!


